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St Ninnidh's Primary School, Derrylin, Enniskillen


2022/2023 School Year

27th Apr 2023
P2 really enjoyed playing outside in recent sunny weather. As part of our 'Let's...
27th Apr 2023
Caitlin and Clara Landers surprised their classes today with delicious rice crispie...
26th Apr 2023
Well done to our Year 6 pupil, Joe, who can now swim 800 metres!
26th Apr 2023
25th Apr 2023
Year 4 Celebrated the Sacrament of First Penance today. It was a very special...
24th Apr 2023
Well done to our Year 6 pupil, Olán, who can now swim 1000 metres!
24th Apr 2023
Well done to the girls and boys Gaelic football teams who participated in the Fermanagh...
21st Apr 2023
Y5 enjoyed the brilliant hospitality at the staff of the Crust & Crumb today. ...
21st Apr 2023
Sean McCaffrey came to visit us today in his new lorry.  McCaffrey's &...
20th Apr 2023
We were all very excited today to welcome Sean McCaffrey to our school today. All...