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St Ninnidh's Primary School, Derrylin, Enniskillen

Festival Fever! La Tomatina…

14th Sep 2023

Year 7 have enjoyed kickstarting their new topic ‘Festival Fever’ by learning about the Spanish festival ‘La Tomatina’.

Children begun researching factual information about the festival and enjoyed a friendly debate. ‘The Festival Committee’ argued reasons for the festival to take place and ‘The Grass Men’ argued reasons against. Year 7 children wrote a balanced argument and concluded it with their own opinion. 

During the debate, the children discussed ways in which the tomatoes could be put to better use. They suggested making a food dish. Mrs Murphy kindly came to the Year 7 classroom to support them making their own tomato soup and outline the steps involved. Whilst the soup simmered, the children went to the school garden to pick their own herbs and finally, they enjoyed the tomato soup with a side of toast. To reflect on this experience, Year 7 wrote a step by step recipe they can use for future cooking!