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St Ninnidh's Primary School, Derrylin, Enniskillen

Future Journalists in Y5

4th May 2023

Y5 have created fantastic newspaper reports following the visit of THE TUMBLING PADDIES. 

A few snippets from these reports:

Reporter Caroline Jurkiewicz said ‘Today at midday, The Tumbling Paddies came to perform at St. Ninnidh’s P.S. The six-piece band who have taken Ireland by storm were greeted by very excited fans!’ 

Reporter Fianna O’Reilly described the atmosphere in the school hall as ‘electric’ and ‘buzzing.’

Reporter Lily Prior said ‘They played their hit singles Pretty Girl, Just the Way I Am and covers of Zombie, Tell Me Ma and Rathlin Bog.’ 

Reporter Jodie Maguire stated that ‘children were jiving, jumping and singing like there was no tomorrow!’ 

Reporter Adam Mc Cusker claims ‘Lead singer Gareth Maguire sang Fairytale of New York in the exact position in the school hall when he was in P5 many years ago.’ 

Reporter Charlie Maguire wrote ‘children got autographs on paper and even on their hands.’ 

And Reporter Maddie Martin concluded her report by saying ‘The band then hit the road for five gigs across Ireland in the next three days.’