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St Ninnidh's Primary School, Derrylin, Enniskillen

Child Protection & Safeguarding


Quick reads for parents surviving school holidays.

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Brilliant activities from Parent NI to keep the children entertained during the Summer months.  Take a look!!

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Some expert advice on how to impress the importance of physical wellbeing on children.

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Welcome to the 7th  issue of the Western area FYI monthly round up of all things family support and early intervention/ prevention.

download document

These resources will be used during our PANTS lessons.

download document

This official picture book from the NSPCC will help children understand the importance of privacy, care and consent through a fun and colourful story.


Meet Pantosaurus! He's a friendly dinosaur who has an important song to sing, which conveys an important message.


These resources will be used during our PANTS lessons.

download document

These resources will be used during our PANTS lessons.

download document

These resources will be used during our PANTS lessons.

download document

These resources will be used during our PANTS lessons.

download document

These resources will be used during our PANTS lessons.

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These resources will be used during our PANTS lessons.

download document

Free webinar: The NSPCC Talk PANTS campaign, also known as the Underwear Rule, has since 2013, been supporting and encouraging parents and carers, as well as professionals throughout the UK to talk to children, about sexual abuse in a simple way.

The campaign tools and resources give adults clear and easy ways to start child friendly and age-appropriate conversations to help keep children safe.


Welcome to the 6th  issue of the Western area FYI monthly round up of all things family support and early intervention/ prevention.

download document

Welcome to the 5th  issue of the Western area FYI monthly round up of all things family support and early intervention/ prevention.

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Welcome to the 4th  issue of the Western area FYI monthly round up of all things family support and early intervention/ prevention.

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Welcome to the 3rd  issue of the Western area FYI monthly round up of all things family support and early intervention/ prevention.

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