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St Ninnidh's Primary School, Derrylin, Enniskillen

News - Y5

9th Feb 2024
Pupils participated this morning in ‘Ditch the Dark’ that promotes safe...
6th Feb 2024
Congratulations to Aisling in Year 5 who won a trophy  for Irish Dancing at...
6th Feb 2024
To celebrate Mental Health Awareness Day, the children began their day with Mindful...
1st Feb 2024
Thank you to all our Grandparents for coming today and watch us perform! A huge thank...
26th Jan 2024
Year 5 presented an assembly on the theme of, 'Peace' on Thursday as part of our...
24th Jan 2024
Pupils enjoying our new French Club.
19th Jan 2024
This morning we had breakfast club that will continue for the next 4 Fridays funded...
17th Jan 2024
The Year 5 boys and girls had great fun working on their 'Irish Myths and Legends'...
20th Dec 2023
Thank you to the Derrylin O’Connells for dropping by with goodies for the winners...
20th Dec 2023
WHAT A NIGHT!  Thank you to everyone who made our Christmas celebration so...